Saturday, June 6, 2009

Is Bad

Ok, so I'm not the best at updating this thing all the time. It's what comes of having somewhere to go out to late at night (yay for Place Plume!)

Classes seem to take up a fair amount of time, but I still manage to have a good time. On friday we celebrated Amelia's 21 birthday and got some peach beer, which turned out to sound more exciting than in is. In truth? It's regular beer (don't know what type they used) with a big of peach syrup added, wow.

Today was pretty chill, lots of hanging and doing some shopping. The stores are so much fun around here, but really too much money. I did learn of a Farmer's Market not far from my house on saturdays (though too late to hit it up today) and am excited for that next week! At the Flower Market today, I did see some cops-on-horses which I found very amusing:
And I got a French phone for use while here, though shall limit it to texto's as they are free, while calls are not.

Anyway, I thought I'd give you guys a little of the 'basic life' of Jill while here:

The one on the left is obviously the street I live on, which is one of those annoying streets where if you cross the rue to Leon someone-or-other (perpendicular to it) it becomes a street with a different name. The one on the right is Rue de Beranger, which I walk down to get to school or go anywhere downtown. So I see a lot of it! It's also where the Flower Market is.

This is the church I have to pass everyday as well. It's cool because it just sits on it's own block between two rather busy streets and is ignored my everyone.

My last picture is just a picture to say bonsoir on, as it's a lovely sunlight we had a night or so ago. We do have lovely sunsets here! The building in is actually fairly pretty, even if it is just a hospital.

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