Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Sorry to say, folks, but I believe this may be a rather text-heavy post, as most of what is going on has less to do with pictures and more with actions (that or I just suck at taking pictures at opportune moments.)

The past few days I've been chilling with some amigos mostly, just checking out the town and such. The place de plummerie is definitely the place to be, as it's packed past 11 on all nights and has such great little cafes. My personal neighborhood is rather residential and modern (er, 1900's perchance?) but there is a great little shopping district not far from here (hell, everything is pas loin here). I met a guy at a store who, when he found out I was from America, asked me take me with him when I go (not in a dirty, leche way, mind you), but I set him straight and told him it is no fun there; he replied everything is fun if he is there. I shall return just to chat with him, haha.

Today was also the first day of school, due to the holiday yesterday. We were supposed to take a test online, but it worked for about 10% of the people (we are the first year with it) so we all took the test in a classroom, got a tour of the school and the area around the school, and then were free to roam on our own. I got to see main cathedral here (there are many very cool little churches that are just like slightly smaller cathedrals and lack the bishop or what not):

I was having a bit of problems with my host-family for awhile, they just aren't all that accomodating, but life goes on. Christine asked me if I would stop by the bank to get money today. I was like "uh, sure" and got $100 worth of Euros (damn exchange rate is terrible), but when I returned and told her this she was all shocked and showed me the amount due for the semester at L'Institut de Touraine. I guess what happened was the two other girls who live here pay Christine, who then pays the Institut, while my program just pays directly to the Institut. So my fears of the location are over.

The last little heavy-text I have is that I have decided I shall join a gym. I wasn't going to, I can get plenty of exercise just walking, but I have been SO damn depressed and that's really the only different thing here. That, though I miss my family and sleeping with my cats... I hope they forgive me when I return.

Onward: one of the best parts of Tours are the tiny alleys all over with randomly placed "cool old stuff." While walked around and getting gelato last night, we came across some fun stuff:

Anyway, that's pretty much all for now, other than the fact I took a shot of myself yesterday that turned out a little crazy, and thus shall leave it with you:


  1. Just got your latest and, since just started a blog (which I don't think I know how to work) I'll first see if I can post this; I emailed you the last time when the post didn't work. Keep checkin' your emails anyway. By the way I think I can send you a cat to keep you company. Let me know. Papa

  2. It apparently works...now if only I can figure out how to get to it myself. I forwarded your blog link to Robyn, as she is curious as well, and she also needs to be in touch with folks. Guess your trip to the cathedral predated my last email. Did you go up the tower?

  3. No, I didn't! But I hope to soon!
